Monday, June 26, 2017

How Does Your Child Feel Loved?!


We are constantly stating the simple fact that all children are different, unique, and learn things differently. We understand that each child is unlike any other child. They share some of the same likes and dislikes, and sure most of them drive us pretty nuts... but they were all made to stand out in distinct ways. Which is why I find it crazy that we have not noticed that they each feel love differently. We all feel love differently. Some of us feel love through physical touch, and some of us feel it through words of affirmation. I believe that this book can help you figure out which is the way your unique child feels love. Its so important to know what your childs love language is because it can effectively fix all the issues you are going through with them, and help with the lack of communication you might be feeling with them. It can be an easy way to work through the tantrums and the every day battles. It's such an easy read with just 224 pages, I was able to finish this book in just three days! Mind you I don't have much time to read with my two baby bosses around. I mean what parent does not want to gain more knowledge on how to correct their child's discipline in a simple manner. I feel like this book really helped me build a much stronger relationship with my boys; because I got to dig deep into their personalities to find things I kept bypassing as just "bad behavior".

My oldest is six years old. I came to find out that his love language is quality time. He enjoys one on one time ; and I guess it makes sense as he knows what it is like to be the only child - before his brother was born he didn't have to share our attention. So every now and then I like to give him some mommy and Jace time. I will take him out to eat ice cream, or head over to the art store to stock up on all of his favorite art supplies, while his brother attends preschool. That one on one time reminds him that we love him just as much as his brother. Even just the 10 minutes walking to school in the mornings is a good time to enjoy some one on one conversations to let him tell me anything he wants without his little brother talking over him. 

I'm honestly still trying to figure out my three year olds love language. I'm leaning more towards physical touch and words of affirmations. He likes to feel me close, but really thrives off encouragement! He loves it when I tell him his picture came out SO cool. 

I would highly suggest every parent reads this book. What do you think your child's love language is- physical touch ; quality time; words of affirmation; gifts; or acts of services?! 

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