Friday, February 16, 2018

Eating can be fun too!

The biggest struggle on our home besides homework time has got to be dinner. I have two outrageously picky eaters. Like to get them to try something new is a definite no go! They even analyze food I make that they usually like. We all know that the favorite food from last week, will somehow be hated the next week. When it comes to getting these boys to eat anything that’s not donuts it  is a struggle! I have tried just about everything too! Cod liver oil to help their metabolism. Not giving into snacks during the day. It all just doesn’t seem to work!

I randomly was searching through Zulily one day and found these really cool Fred & Friends Dinner Winner plates. As a desperate momma who was worried that her kids were quite possibly malnourished, I ordered two and waited very impatiently for them to be delivered. They are not only super cool and colorful to look at, but very sturdy and well made. It looks like a super fun race to the treasure kind of game. Of course I told the boys it’s not really a race to see how fast you can it. It’s just a race to see if you can eat all that is on the plate to get to your ending surprise. 

Did these plates completely fix their bad eating habits ? No. But it’s not to say they didn’t work at all either. I believe it all matters on your child’s age, and just the kind of kid they are. I have noticed it fully works for my six year old, but I can’t pack it full with food. So I put very little in each space! I am hoping that each time I can add just a tad bit more, and we will make it work. For my youngest it must be a food he likes, because if it isn’t he can careless what the ending surprise treat is. But if I put some chicken and rice for the most part he will make it all the way on a good day, or atleast half way - which is honestly a huge improvement from ordinary dinner time chaos.

I would definitely suggest parents of picky eaters from 4 years old & up to give them a shot. They might not fully work but some progress is better than no progress at all. At every meal time now they always say they want their special dinner winner plates, and I am very happy I decided one stressful 2am night to order them and take my chances. My kids no longer go to sleep with empty bellies, and that’s a huge mom win right there. 

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