Monday, February 26, 2018

Party Time at Chuck E Cheese!

I can’t even wrap my head around the fact that my beautiful baby boy is now four. FOUR! I have a four year old. How the heck did that even happen! I swear I remember him just being two, and wobbling around trying to repeat words we said. Now he’s a full on four year old with a wide vocabulary, spelling out his name and sharing his strong opinions with us. It has been quite an adventure with him, and it’s been fascinating just watching him grow and grow every day. Seeing his personality shine through more and more. Truly one of the best things about parenting, but also the hardest, or should I say saddest. Makes me miss when he was so little, and relied on me for everything! 

When it came down to where we were going to have his party we knew Chuck E. Cheese was the way to go! Not only because it has been his all time favorite place for years now, and his last two birthdays were done there. But we needed something that wasn’t going to stress us out too much. February was already very chaotic and eventful for us so we had many things going on, and things that we had to get done, so having a place that would let us breath a bit and do all of the work for us was a must! Chuck E Cheese made it all happen for us with their very easy birthday packages that include play, food, and cake! We got to just enjoy everything as much as the kids did, without worrying about a trillion things. If you haven’t had Chuck E. Cheese pizza then you are truly missing out. They also made sure that he felt like a birthday superstar. His face lit up when Chuck E himself came out to sing him happy birthday and he was able to hi 5 him and take a photo. He was the happiest boy in the room. 

It was such a great day, and the smile on his face made it all worth it. Chuck E. Cheese is a big parenting win when it comes to party planning. If you want it all done for you, for a reasonable price & tons of fun for the kids then you should go with Chuck E Cheese! 

This post is not sponsored. Just sharing our experience, and all opinions are 100% our own!

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