Monday, April 30, 2018

My Hair Transformation + Hair Care w/ Shea Moisture.

When it comes to my hair, we have been through a lot. The minute I turned 15 and my mother gave me the okay to do as I pleased with it, let’s just say I made some terrible decisions, and my bad decisions kept going even late into my 20s. I should have known better by then, I know! But I have always been someone who needs constant change, because I feel like I need it to evolve myself. 

When I turned 28 I decided I was no longer going to put any harsh chemicals into my hair, no dyes, no parabens, no sulfates. I went through this huge discovery that I needed to take better care of every single part of me, including my hair care. So I did a ton of research, and from that day forward I didn’t buy anything until I read the ingredients, and as stunning as the packaging looked - if it had a word I was looking out for I wouldn’t buy it. My main goal was to repair my hair from all the damage I had caused it, to make it stronger, so that I can finally go blonde. It was something I had done back when I turned 21 but because I wasn’t financially stable at the time being a college student I didn’t keep it because we all know blonde hair takes A LOT of maintenance. I decided I would wait until I was in my 30s to go back to what I considered hair goals. 

Just one month ago I took the leap and got some full head highlights at a local hair salon in Hells Kitchen named Nica and Sam. I was recommended by a friend who gets her blonde done there, and I am happy with my decision. They were so friendly, and so efficient! I was expecting to be in that chair all morning, all afternoon... but Lola was fast, yet very detailed with her work. She made sure she didn’t miss anything, and she explained everything she was doing to my hair, and why. I already know I will be returning to her once I decide it’s time to go lighter. 

I knew that with the decision of going blonde I would have to take extra care of  my hair. So when I was introduced to the Shea Moisture Manuka Honey + Yogurt hair line I was sold right on the spot. This line is to help hydrate and repair dry and brittle hair, which is usually what bleach does to your hair so I knew this was going to be my savior. It’s also made with fair trade ingredients and NO animal testing done. It has none of the ingredients that I have decided to stay away from which is perfect. Not only does it work but it smells amazing. It’s ultra moisturizing and leaves my hair silky smooth. I love that a little goes a long way. I have been using it once a week for the past month, and I’m still not even half way done with it. 

Part of the line is the multi action leave in spray, and let me tell you it’s gotta be my favorite product from the line because I have been using it daily, on my hair but also for the boys hair. I have been trying not to over use it but I just can’t help myself. At night right after a bath I detangle the boys hair with it, and I do the same after my shower. Then in the morning I have been using it to style our hair for the beginning of the day. I’m pretty obsessed with it! It helps fight frizz and the appearance of split ends which has always been one of my biggest hair care concerns. I have already seen such a big difference in my ends, and I love how light weight it is. Usually with leave in sprays and conditioners I would have lots of build up but there is no build up left in the hair no matter how much you use it. The boys have gotten so many compliments on their hair too when we use it, and everyone will always say how good their hair smells, because it is such a perfect scent! 

There is really no going back now. I will be hooked, and so thankful that Shea Moisture made a line that felt was made so specifically for me and all my main hair care needs. If you haven’t tried out the Manuka Honey + Yogurt line I would highly suggest you do. It has allowed me to put down the straightener and just enjoy the natural look without looking like a hot mess!

- These products were gifted to me, but all opinions are 100% my own, and honest. 

Tuesday, April 17, 2018

Are they going to be okay?!

I know I’m not the only mom who is constantly asking themselves if their child will turn out okay. I swear if it isn’t one thing it’s another. The never ending cycle of worry. It kind of comes with the title I guess. Sometimes it gets too intense though, and I wonder if I should just chill out, and worry less.

On a daily basis I’m thinking... 

Are they eating enough? Am I ruining their eating habits by allowing them to eat dessert before dinner sometimes? Or are they eating too much ? Maybe it will all catch up with them, and they will be couch potatoes as grown adults, binge watching and throwing down a pack of cookies. 

Are they staying active? Maybe they should be in like 3 different extracurricular classes after school to teach them the importance of team work and competition. Or  are they too active? Am I preoccupying their little brains with way too much activity and information all at once that it makes them so restless? Gosh their so little, I might be expecting too much. And that can lead to adults who need to stay busy at all times in order to feel good about themselves. They won’t understand the importance of down time & taking in the sound of silence. 

Will my child ever feel comfortable pooping in the potty? What if he’s 13 years old and still has the potty scares, is that even possible? Should I be training their bodies to wake up and pee in the middle of the night, or maybe they will eventually just learn to do it themselves. I might have to start buying adult pampers for them soon if we can’t get it together. That will be interesting! 

How much screen time is too much screen time? Am I allowing them to rot their brain with all the technology around them. God forbid I live to just see them as adults who can’t bear to be without their cellphone for 2.5 seconds! But then again, I am very impressed by how well my six year old can search for something so quickly and effectively all on his own. I mean google is a huge part of your adult life. You need an answer, leave it to google to teach you all that was left un answered.

So many questions that I ask myself on a regular basis that sound so silly when I look back, because I’m so worried that it can make or break their future.. and for the most part it won’t. It really won’t. 

At the end of each day I wonder if I said I love you enough, if I was comforting enough, but not too much. If I was helpful enough, but not over the top. If I asked them enough questions about their day, or way too many? Oh crap, they drank a bit too much juice and not enough water. Motherhood is just a huge worry hole that I didn’t even know I was stuck in. I can’t figure out how to get out. But I am figuring out how to feel a bit more comfortable in this hole. 

Constant reminders that they are JUST kids still is a big thing. I have to remember that stages are stages, and they will change by age, but it doesn’t necessarily mean it will get easier. I believe we worry so much because the society we live in is always pressuring us to be so perfect, at everything. If you aren’t super mom  prepping four course meals every night, then you don’t deserve praise. If your child isn’t two years old and reciting all of the 50 states already you are labeled as a I don’t care kind of mom. Parenting just keeps getting harder by the minute because we don’t share the messy stuff as often as the good, and both parts are very important. I will take a step back today and remind myself that soon enough my kids will be adults and all the struggles we went through with them as children won’t stay into their adulthood, so let me just embrace it now. All the messiness, all the chaos. Let me stop worrying about if they will be okay in the long run, and just make sure they are happy and healthy right now. Live in the now. 

Monday, April 9, 2018

Spring ready with Pixi Beauty x Dulce Candy

If you have been following my blogging journey since the very beginning then you may know it all started before kids, as a college student who spent all of her hardworking money in nothing but makeup. I will say it loud and proud I was, okay maybe still am a makeup hoarder. I used to review a ton of beauty related products for the most part, and then when I rebranded I stuck more to parenting/ family lifestyle posts. But as the boys get older I am finding much more time to do all the things I was once so passionate about. Here and there I will have enough time and energy to sit down at my vanity and play with makeup, and I love it.

I have always seen make up as a form of art, and if it makes you feel good too that’s a plus. I don’t necessarily feel I need it to feel more confident but I do feel much more put together and like I actually have it all together even when I don’t. Plus it’s nice to get to do a little something for myself in between being a very over the top mom. 

When I first started getting into makeup I was in high school and Youtube was buzzing with a very small makeup guru community. The first person I ever watched was Dulce Candy, and I loved her.. not just because of her very helpful tutorials but I loved her personality and that she was a regular Latina just like myself. Since than I have watched her blossom and her growth as a media Influencer has been so tremendously inspiring to me. She was the very reason I even decided I wanted to start blogging in the first place, because she gave me the confidence that I needed. She is the epitome of what a Latina entrepreneur is! As she grew I felt like I was growing with her. We became mothers to beautiful boys in the same year, and I took all my pregnancy and motherhood tips from her. I always felt a strong bond with her, even if I never met her in person. We won’t even talk about the time I saw her at my local H&M and didn’t have the courage to just say hi! Ugh, anyways. 

I was so proud and excited when she launched her collection with Pixi Beauty, that I ran straight to my local target to snatch them up fast. I am still thanking the make up gods because their was literally only one Cafe Con Dulce face palette left. I am not even exaggerating when I say I have been using it like every other day since I have gotten it. The colors are stunning, and so blendeble. They work for day time and night time looks. Plus if you don’t want to use them as eyeshadows you can use it as a blush or a highlighter too. Nine shimmering powder to cream shades that will make you instantly look and feel alive! Such a perfect palette to welcome in the spring, but I know I will get even more use out of it this summer too during travel. I really don’t have nothing bad to say about it, and I am so happy I was able to get my hands on it. It’s a perfect every day, go to palette that I know will help this momma feel good every morning. 

Thank you Dulce for all your hardwork, and for your influence in the Latina community. I will keep supporting you, and admiring your dedication to this business as I strive to one day make it just as big! 

Thursday, April 5, 2018

Kids Dental Care with Kenson Kids & Brush Buddies

My children are stubborn. Terribly stubborn, and I will just say they don’t get it from me of course. They will argue with me over the smallest thing even if they are fully aware that I am right. It’s a tough pill to swallow especially during the bed time routine when this tired momma just wants to get some much needed rest after a long day. Bath time feels like I’m on a water ride at Splish Splash, and getting them into their PJs feels like a hour long wrestling match I didn’t even sign up for. So when we finally make it to the horrid time of teeth brushing I brace myself for the mayhem that’s about to go down. As soon as I say it’s time to brush teeth, all hell breaks loose up in here. My neighbors most likely believe I am torturing them every night before bed because that’s how real their squeals of help are. I knew I needed to make this part of our day enjoyable for them somehow, and easier for me so I wouldn’t down right lose all sanity I have left. 

When I met Kenson Kids at an event not long ago I knew I had to stop and check out all of their easy parenting products. I was ecstatic to see a company that wanted to help make the hardest job in the world a tad easier on us! You know I am all about finding products that will give us a helping hand at creating a peaceful space in our chaotic kid life. That is exactly what Kenson Kids did for me when I started using their “ I Can Do it!” Brush My Teeth Reward Chart. A tooth brushing chart for kids. It helps them understand the importance of brushing twice a day and gives them more of a reason to do it when you gain a reward at the end of the week. Their chart takes the struggle out of brushing and helps stop the constant reminders. Very simple and practical for any age, and they love that they can add the star to the chart on their very own.

 My kids look forward to doing it every morning and night ! It has been very helpful and I love that it promotes good habits which you know are a lot easier to instill in them when they are still young. They have a huge variety of reward charts that can help with just about everything you can think of. Make your life easier and go order some of your own charts at Target, Amazon or

We also received some super cool Pez Emoji tooth brushes from Brush Buddies! They look like real deal Pez candy dispensers, and I love how they stand up like a Pez dispenser would do. You can press the button and up pops the emoji head. If only our tooth brushes were this fun when I was younger, I would have definitely loved brushing them daily. Because what kid doesn’t love Emojis now a days. Brush Buddies have also came out with other lines like Peppa Pig, Thomas and Friends, Shopkins, and Jojo! You can grab your own super cool Brush Buddies at, or I was able to find some at my local Duane Reade pharmacy. 

Dental care is a big deal, and just as important as your every day health so we must show our children that it is necessary to make it a top priority. These two products have made it such a fun part of our day, and has allowed my children to be more responsible for their own dental health. This momma right here can rest assured knowing they will have beautiful pearly whites every single day thanks to Kenson Kids and Brush Buddies. 

Wednesday, April 4, 2018

A day fit for two little kings at The Medieval Times!

We were able to go back in time to the Middle Ages in Europe to be exact. It was only two hours, but it was a great time travel we got to experience together. We met strong and fearless knights, plus the Queen herself. After 34 years of it being a king in charge they decided it was time for the Queen to step up and take her thrown!

I have never been to Medieval Times so I was super excited to make it a first time experience together for myself and the boys. We didn’t really know what to expect, but as soon as we set our eyes on the castle I knew it was going to be marvelous! We got in and we’re given our table tickets that showed we would be rooting for the yellow knight so we were off to get our yellow crowns that the kids absolutely loved. We walked around as their was so much to see, like the huge variety of swords they were selling. We were told what entrance to go through so we could sit on our section where only the yellow knight team would be sitting. I loved how each section was lit up with its team color. Our hostess was amazing and super helpful through out the whole time. She got us some booster seats to help the boys feel more comfortable in their seats, and she got us straws for the boys cups so they wouldn’t spill anything in the dark. 

As soon as the show began we starting cheering and you could feel the excitement in the room. When our knight came out on his beautiful horse the boys couldn’t help but stand up and cheer him on. The action was non stop from there on and everyone was loving it. It was fun watching my boys get so into it that they were even booing our rival teams. Momma even got thrown a beautiful flower from our yellow knight himself! 

Let’s talk food. As it was honestly Mom and Dads  favorite part. They started us off with some yummy tomato soup and garlic bread. Then a little after that they came around with the huge piece of chicken which was perfectly seasoned and some corn and potato wedges. It was just absolutely delicious that even my little picky eaters devoured it. Mom and Dad took full advantage that you could order bar drinks at your seats so we decided to enjoy a beer, which came in a nice souvenir cup! As the boys loved their lemonades that were just right, not too sour not too sweet. After the food their was dessert and coffee. Just when you thought it couldn’t get better they bring out the butter loaf cake, and it was a great sweet treat to end the show with. 

I loved that everything was made so convenient, everything was brung to us, very fast and sufficiently. We didn’t have to do anything but sit their and enjoy ourselves. Which is honestly the best thing about the experience. As a mom that has gone to plenty of shows with my kids, standing in long lines to then figure out how I’m going to get us to our seats with my hands completely full I loved the simplicity that  Medieval Times gives us parents who already walk in with our hands full. It was the easiest show we have been to where I really just sat back and enjoyed it just as much as they did with no hustle and bustle required! 

I have honestly no complaints at all. The show had us mesmerized and the food had our bellies happy. The whole staff was friendly and super helpful at all times. Very well organized, so when you do go please don’t forget to tip your hostess generously because they work very hard to make your time there memorable and very easy.  We will be going back again for sure as Jace is now learning all about the Middle Ages in class! He was so excited to tell his classmates about the experience and all he learned from it. It’s definitely something every child would love and remember forever. So make it a family day, and add it on to their joyous childhood memories. You can even celebrate your birthday. 

Grab your tickets for the Dinner & Tournament show at !!!! 

- We were hosted by Medieval Times in Lyndhurst NJ, but all opinions are of our own.