Thursday, August 23, 2018

The Sweetest Day At Candytopia NYC!

 I have always had a really terrible sweet tooth like I'm not being dramatic when I say I can't live without chocolate. I would be so depressed without it, and I know that sounds insane but that has been me since forever. Even when I was younger I would hide in my room and eat chocolates under the covers when I knew my parents didn't want me to have any more sweets. Now as a mom of two sweet boys I do the exact same thing so I don't have to share it with anyone.

So I will take full responsibility for the fact that my boys are the exact same way. Their day just isn't right without some kind of sweet treat. I have created little sugar monsters like myself. Yes, I know too much sugar is really bad for you - okay parenting police don't handcuff my just yet. I don't allow them to have it all, whenever wherever. But sometimes all you need is a sweet treat to get your day feeling amazing. NYC is a place very well known for the most amazing desserts you can find. From gigantic milkshakes to rainbow sprinkle filled cakes. So it was only right that Candytopia came to NYC to share some more sweetness with this big city which seems like it's on its own sugar rush.

When we first got to Candytopia NYC we waited by this amazing and huge dragon made completely out of candy. As we read the sign to find out what it was made out of exactly the boys were amazed.. already. We were greeted by a man who reminded the boys of Willy Wonka ( one of their all-time favorite movies btw! ) and he took us in with him to share with us all the amazing fun of Candytopia. Now I don't want to spoil the review with too many spoilers because to be there is amazing, and I would make the trip if I were you. 

I will say that you will get to see so many amazing sculptures and rooms decked out in all types of candy. My favorite room has got to have been the ocean life room which had candy made seahorses, sharks, and it truly felt like you were underwater. It was beautiful!

The boys definitely caught on to the fact that each room had a box which had candy for them to take with them. They looked forward to seeing what was in the next room, and so on. They both said that their favorite room of all of them was, of course, the infamous Marshmallow ball pit that I am sure you have all been seeing around on Instagram. It was so much fun, they would sink so low and try and swim their way back up in the swarm of marshmallow foams. They loved also throwing them up in the air and seeing how many they could hold in their arms. It was a full on work out for me though, and something I am glad we can always share as an epic memory. Not many people can say that they swam in a pool of marshmallow foams right?

All in all, it was a perfect day with lots of sweets with my very own little sweethearts. I would highly recommend a family day to Candytopia NYC. Doors close on November 15th so you still have time to check it out before you miss out.  Let your tastebuds soar! 

- We were invited to visit Candytopia for Media Day. All opinions are honest, and my own. Thank you for having us Candytopia! :)

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