Tuesday, January 8, 2019

Family Paint Night/ A Dogs Way Home!

Lately all the boys want is a dog! I honestly do not know where that came from but they have been asking for one, after years of being so scared of dogs. Unfortunately momma over here is allergic to most dogs, and that just can't be possible right now.  Tomorrow, however, we are going to go see an early screening of the movie A Dogs Way Home by Sony Pictures. I am very excited to see the movie, as I have read the book and with tears in my eyes I absolutely loved it... so I am 110% sure their will be waterworks tomorrow at the theatre. It will also most definitely get them to want a dog even more. So basically - wish me luck on all sides here!

Here is a synopsis of the movie:

"Finding Bella" takes us on the journey of a dog trying to get back to her owner. Bryce Dallas Howard, the voice of Bella, shares the story of how Shelby the dog was rescued and goes on a journey of her own. Discover Shelby's epic adventure as she finds her forever home and new life purpose as a therapy dog.

We were asked to do some super fun activities to celebrate the anticipated movie coming to theaters, and we had a great time doing so. We decided we would have a super fun family art night where we would try our very best to get artsy and paint out the promotional poster for the movie. It was so much fun, and I must add the boys did pretty awesome. They kept saying how cute the doggy is, and it was impossible for them to make the dog look so perfect and cute in their paintings because he was "perfect" but I believe they did awesome either way.

We put up the posters next to us so we could see it while painting, and got all the colors ready that were necessary to draw out the red converse, and the cute brown doggy inside of it. They were both so proud of their paintings at the end too!

The movie will be in theaters for all of you to go see it on January 11th 2019! It might even make you go out and get a puppy or two!


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