It's crazy I just noticed that I did not blog at all in the month of February. I apologize for not being around as often as I usually am, but things have been very off lately. So many things going on at once so my head has been a mess, and just trying to juggle it all and stay alive, basically. In February we also to an AMAZING trip to Orlando Florida, which we are all still dreaming about and missing so much! Not just the weather, but the food we had, the family time we shared, and the magical memories we created. It was just perfect in all ways possible, and I am so glad we were able to enjoy ourselves. Now we are being hit with the harsh realities of school, work, and cold weather so it has been a tough transition for sure for us all. So my apologies, and I will try my very best to get back into my four to five posts a month.
In this blog I wanted to share all the fun we had in Florida, starting with LEGOLAND. Can you believe that this was number ONE on the boys list for Orlando. They couldn't care less if we weren't doing anything else as long as we got to go to LEGOLAND. We had told them we were not sure if we would be able to go, and they were really sad thinking that we just wouldn't make it but we had a special surprise for them right off the airplane.

On our first day there, we checked into our hotel, and changed into warmer weather clothing and made our way to LEGOLAND. They had no clue and thought we were just going to some boring restaurant to eat lunch. When they saw that infamous sign they were SO excited, and they knew it was going to be a great first day of our vacation.
We got in and started from the very beginning of the theme park. We did the GRAND CAROUSEL to start off slow, and then found the Safari Trek which Caleb really loved. We walked all around MINILAND where we spotted NYC, and the boys were able to notice many NYC locations that we get to see all the time. We mostly had lots of fun at the Ford Driving School Station where the boys both went to their age appropriate sections and got to learn how to drive in the LEGO cars. They both had so much fun doing it, and I loved how easy it was where they felt super confident and did not have to feel worried about doing it all on their own. They both received their LEGOLAND Drivers License at the end too!

We also did a really fun family game called the RESCUE ACADEMY where we all had to work together to take out a fire. It was really fun because we all gave each other special jobs that we were assigned to, and we were racing against other families on the side of us. We worked fast, and got the fire out together and made it to the finish line in first place. Caleb wanted to go around DUPLO VALLEY and build at lego stations they had to rest a little, but Jace is always up for some adventure and him and dad decided that they would give THE GREAT LEGO RACE a try. It looked like a good time too, plus you were able to wear VR goggles through out the entire ride. He has honestly really been enjoying roller coaster rides lately, so it made him happy to know that they had something more on the wild side for kids his age.
We got to enjoy a couple of other rides, but unfortunately with two hours only we did not get to everything but I told them that just gives us another reason to return next time we come back to Orlando. We will hopefully be returning again soon during even nicer weather so we can go check out their Water Park side! They will also be opening on MARCH 27th a new exhibit THE LEGO MOVIE WORLD!!! Yes, now EVERYTHING will be even awesomer at LEGOLAND! We are really looking forward to seeing that next time around too. I am happy that we got to enjoy it though, but I now know that two hours is not enough time to get around the entire park. But none the less it was perfect. We barely had to wait on line for no more than 10 minutes, and the park itself was not crowded with too many people either. All the workers were so friendly, and very helpful as well.
We ended our trip at LEGOLAND at the BIG SHOP where the boys found some cool LEGO MOVIE blind bags, plus some small sets that they were very excited to take over to the hotel and start building. We already CANNOT wait until we go back and possibly this time try their infamous PEPPER AND RONI PIZZA SHOP and GRANNY'S APPLE FRIES!
- Thank you LEGOLAND for the complimentary family day tickets. All of my opinions are 100% my own, and I was not paid to write this review.