Reading is something I have loved since the beginning of life. But when I became a parent it just wasn't as easy to find time to enjoy this pleasure. I didn't even realize how much of a pleasure it was until I became a parent honestly. But when I do get the chance to read lately I have been drawn to reading parenting books that talk about all types of different things that relate to my daily life as a parent. I love that you can find so many different books on so many different situations and struggles we have as parents. It's a way for me to feel less alone, and it is the new age "village" we rely on to make us feel like we can do this, and do it great!
Below I will be sharing some of my current favorite parenting books that I have been reading, and though some of them I haven't fully finished I can say I have learned something from each and every one of them. I will share with you something I found to be extremely helpful and important in each book!
1. How to Raise Perfectly Imperfect Kids and Be OK With it! By Lisa Sugarman
This book has been highlighted all over and I can't get over how much it speaks to me. Below I will share some parts I really loved.
"We can't always control what our kids throw at us, but we can definitely control how we react to it, and leading with positivity can make all the difference."
2. How To Raise a Reader By Pamela Paul & Maria Russo
I loved reading this book because as an educator and a mother I understand the importance of reading and starting early to open their eyes to literacy. I really loved how the book is separated into ages from infant to toddler, and even dives into teen readers. It also has a section where it recommends books for the age component of the child too! I also loved how it shares information about how great the library experience can be. How big of a privilege and responsibility it is!
Something I really loved that they shared was Book Inspired Gifts. We do this a lot in this household and this gave me so many fun new ideas for birthdays to come!
3. How To Stop Losing Your Sh*t With Your Kids! By Carla Naumburg
A book that helps you understand why your a losing it in the first place. I loved how they make you realize that you aren't just losing your shit with your children because you are a "bad parent" but that their is full reason and they help you figure it all out so you can get to a better place. As a person in general I noticed that I really need structure and a clean organized space to feel at peace, but as a mom I didn't notice that was necessary for me as well. Physical clutter , just seeing it can stress you out. I loved all the tips it gives you to help declutter the kid crap we all have going on!
4. MOM UP: Thriving With Grace In The Chaos Of Motherhood By Kara-Kae James
I always knew I wanted to be a mom, but once I became a mom I realized it is not an easy job, at all. The toughest position I have ever been given actually. It has been a crazy ride, and most of the time I did not at all feel like I was thriving in motherhood. This book is amazing for all moms who think or feel like they are not enough or can't find joy in the chaos. I have noticed how much my faith has helped me through my journey in motherhood and studying the scriptures and how it goes into parenting in this book makes it very easy to use with questions and group discussion you can use if you have a book club with other moms. Lastly each chapter ends with a section called Take Action, which lets you go above and beyond and challenges you to get something done.
5. The Explosive Child By Ross W Greene
This book is a new approach for understanding and parenting easily frustrated, chronically inflexible children. I was at a tough point in parenting when I found this book on Amazon. I remember going through it with Jace. He was really pushing my buttons and I was losing it, real bad. Many nights where I would cry myself to sleep because I felt like I was really failing as a parent. I couldn't figure out what I was doing wrong, and I felt extremely helpless. This book really helped me feel more at ease and take it day by day, and find different ways to cope. It gives you scenarios that you would go through on a regular day like difficulty getting to school, or difficulty completing homework and the best kinds of ways to approach it. My favorite plan was The Empathy Step, where you really pay attention to your child's feelings during their difficult time.
All links are from Amazon, and I would highly suggest you guys checking them out or if you know of someone who might need it, it would make for a great gift because books are the best kind of gift you can give anyone.
I was sent some of these books for reviewing purposes, but all opinions are 100% of my own.
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